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WTHP Submission Guidelines

Watertower Hill Publishing is now open for manuscript submissions!


We publish in the following genres:


Adult Fiction

Adult Memoir

Adult Non-Fiction (including True Crime)


Christian Fiction/Non-Fiction

Adult Fantasy & Sci-Fi

New Adult Fiction

New Adult Fantasy & Sci-Fi


YA Fantasy and Sci-Fi

Middle Grade Children's


Manuscripts for adult-audience books must be a minimum of 60,000 words for consideration.

Middle grade manuscripts must be at least 20,000 words.


Watertower Hill Publishing will perform the following on all selected manuscripts:

1. Complete developmental, line, and copy editing

2. Cover creation 

3. All internal formatting and copyright page creation

4. ISBN issue with Library of Congress submittal

5. Inclusion in WTHP library

6. Marketing, Book Tour, Publicity Advice

7. Worldwide distribution with Ingram Group

8. Publishing on platforms like KDP, BNP, Ingram, BAM, BookBaby, etc. 

9. Hometown Barnes and Noble Book Signing Events and inclusion in a Consignment Contract with B&N. 


Please adhere to the following Submission Guidelines: 

Title emails as follows (Genre - title - type). Example: "Adult Fantasy - Amongst You - novel." 

All submissions should include the following: a pitch query including title, word count, etc. (see online guides), a 1–2-page synopsis, and the first three chapters. All parts should be included in the body of the email, not as attachments. Attachments will not be opened.

No reprints. No previously self-published books.

Books must be 100% completed upon submission.

If you are submitting a series, all books in the series must be completed upon submission. If the series is very long, this can be discussed.


If WTHP requests a FULL manuscript from your submission, please adhere to the SHUNN method of formatting. That information can be found here: Classic Manuscript Format | William Shunn. 


******CONTRACT OPTIONS: ******

Contracts will be done in one of two ways based on what is agreed upon by the author and publisher


Option one: 

Traditional Route. 

Authors will be paid 65% royalties for net eBook sales and 50% on net hardback/paperback sales. Contract language will go into more detail on royalties. Advances will be discussed on a case-by-case basis, and royalties will not be paid out until advance is earned out. Royalties continue after rights are reverted back to the author.


Option two:

Hybrid Route.

Royalties will be paid at 75% net eBook sales and 75% net hardback/paperback sales. Options will include publisher help with platform creation, marketing, publicity, and website design, all offered at competitive market rates. Package Tiers forthcoming. 



We are looking for Worldwide English rights for paperback, eBook, and hardcover. Audiobook and translation rights are negotiable. We ask for at least one year exclusivity, after which the rights return to the author. The Watertower Hill Publishing version of the book will, however, remain in print unless agreed upon by publisher and author. 


Any and all costs related to the publishing of your work are paid for by this press.


Please send all submissions following the guidelines above to:

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